About Us
Welcome To Bright Futures
For over 11 years we have been leading the way to provide programs that enrich, Excite and bring a better standard to before and after school care.
By not only ensuring a safe environment we bring a fresh change to before and after school care with our fun and creative programs.
At Bright Futures we have developed the highest quality standards available. Our professional staff are all qualified educators. Our educator to children ratio is higher than most other providers and along with our positive attitude we promise every day will be a brighter day.

Partner With Us
Bright Futures is a provider like no other and our educational programs are built to ensure all kids want to be here whether this is daily or just occasionally. We ensure the kids are not only prepared for a great day but also they’ll leave the centre with smiles on their faces and looking forward to coming back.

Before and After School
Providing the right care in a trusting environment is just as important as providing engaging and fun programs for children who make OOSH their second home.
Our specialised programs leave no stone unturned to ensure your children’s time is enriched by our first class programs.
Vacation Care
Some of the most fun is at our school holiday programs, Whether this is an incursion or excursion no day is the same and we leave no stone unturned to provide your children with the best day they could possibly have.

Latest News
OSHC Voucher Scheme NSW
Introduction Families with children aged 4 to 13 years that attend a primary school in NSW can now receive a $500 voucher per child to reduce the out-of-poc ...